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Monday, 23 January 2012

Eye Care Tips for Healthy Vision

Consume Vitamin A

Vitamin A is really good for your vision. You can find it in many common foods, including fortified milk, fish, papaya, eggs, and even cilantro. If you do not commonly eat a diet rich in vitamin A, consider a supplement. However, getting vitamins from your food is always the best option.

Cures for Puffy Eyes

Eye care at home often involves treating things that have been bothering you. You can do several things to help with puffy bags under the eyes. Applying cool cucumber slices to them is something you often see on TV, but this can actually help. You can also grate a potato with the peel on and apply that to the area for 20 minutes while you relax. Cotton soaked in lukewarm milk and laid on for about 15 minutes is another soothing option.


Always wash your face completely before sleeping. If you wear makeup on your eyes, make sure it is completely removed. Leaving it on could irritate them. Some makeup could even fall into them and create problems with your sight. Eye care requires that you keep clean.

Dealing With Infections

If you have an eye infection, you should probably visit the doctor. However, you need to know how to identify these infections. Pink eye is a common one that creates excessive discharge and makes the area turn bright pink or red. If you have this condition, you may need antibiotic drops from the doctor. Other signs of infection include excessive green discharge, pain, swelling, and overall discomfort.

Dealing With a Sty

A sty is basically a pimple under the eyelid. This can be quite painful, but it does not necessarily require a trip to the doctor. The best way to treat one is to apply a hot compress to the affected area several times a day for about 15 to 20 minutes. To make a compress, get a washcloth or small towel as hot as you can stand it, and then apply it to the area.

Eye care does not require a lot of skill. Just knowing a few basic facts about taking care of your vision at home makes the process much simpler. Remember, be gentle any time you are dealing with your eyes, and do not put anything in them without first consulting with your doctor. If a problem arises that you are not sure how to handle, always take it to a medical professional. If you follow these steps, you will do a fine job of caring for your vision at home.

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